/BCO-DMO/CAMEO_Trophic_Position/bradley_AA_transp --length eq 137-- Level 1

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#  From Bradley et al. 2015, doi: 10.1002/l1
# PI1</a>
# PI: Brian N. Popp (University of Hawaii)
# Co-PI: Jeffrey Drazen (University of Hawaii)
# Contact: Christina (UC Mer (UC Merced)
# Version: 14 August 2015
sample       species                       length  
HI-9         Chauliodus_sloani             137     
amino_acid       d15N_AA   stdev  
alanine          21.2      0.5    
glycine          1.8       0.6    
threonine        -19.0     0.9    
serine           1.7       0.4    
valine           19.1      nd     
leucine          19.7      1.8    
isoleucine       26.3      0.3    
proline          15.2      0.2    
aspartate        14.4      0.8    
methionine       nd        nd     
glutamate        17.9      0.5    
phenylalanine    -3.2      0.3    
tyrosine         3.3       0.2    
lysine           nd        nd     
arginine         nd        nd     
histidine        nd        nd